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Tell us what you think about PSNAP

Give your input to planning and building the Plant Surveillance Network Australasia-Pacific and it’s website.


Your input

You may have noticed this website is a little light on content. This is because we are still adding the content and developing program initiatives to benefit network members.

We would really appreciate your feedback and input on:

  • how you would like to use this network
  • what resources you would like to see on the website
  • ideas for training and events for members
  • any additional suggestions.

To help set the scene of what we are trying to achieve with this network, the following overview is provided.


Network aim

The aim of the Plant Surveillance Network Australasia Pacific (PSNAP) is to strengthen surveillance capacity and capability by improving connections and communication between network members. This will improve our ability to respond effectively to plant pests, safeguarding the economy, environment and communities.


Network membership

Anyone employed by an Australian or New Zealand government department responsible for biosecurity and undertaking a role relating to surveillance (policy, planning or operations) will be granted membership to the network. As well as anyone who is:

  • directly involved in an industry-based biosecurity surveillance program (planning or operations)
  • working on a relevant research discipline in a research institution (government, university, museum or private research organisation)
  • a private surveillance consultant
  • able to demonstrate input into community-based biosecurity surveillance program (such as the Botanic Gardens Biosecurity Network), or
  • a member of the National Plant Biosecurity Diagnostics Network (NPBDN) with an interest in surveillance.

Anyone who does not meet one or more of these descriptions can apply to join the network by emailing

To join the network and receive membership, individuals must register on the website but clicking Join on the homepage and filling in the registration form.


Current status of network

This network was formally established in 2017. A network coordinator was appointed mid-2019 to build the network and provide opportunities to members. The website is currently undergoing a soft launch, with members being encouraged to register and provide their input.

Activities planned for members include the development of the PSNAP Professional Development Program – modelled of the professional development program for the NPBDN, this program will include the Annual Surveillance Workshop, Surveillance Residential Program and regular training workshops.

Note: opportunities under PSNAP Professional Development Program will only be available to network members.


If you have any questions or feedback about the network or the website email the Network Coordinator at