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Annual Diagnostics and Surveillance Workshop 2023

Annual Diagnostics and Surveillance Workshop 2023

Annual Diagnostics and Surveillance Workshop 2023

Dates: 9 – 11 May 2023 in Canberra (Venue TBC)


The Annual Surveillance Workshop (ASW) and the Annual Diagnostics Workshop (ADW) are networking events for diagnosticians and surveillance practitioners to come together to share knowledge and learnings.

This year the joint Annual Diagnostic and Surveillance Workshop (ADSW) 2023 will be held in Canberra on 9 –11 May. The third day (11 May) is optional as it will be field based (TBC).

The event will be delivered as a hybrid workshop (with in-person and virtual attendance).

The theme for ADSW 2023 is “Implementation through connections”

  • Session 1: Implementation and sharing new technologies
  • Session 2: Capacity building to connect S&D practitioners
  • Session 3: Outreach and engagement to implement and connect our work
  • Session 4: Reconnecting with the building blocks of the Plant Biosecurity system
  • Session 5: Connections across our National Surveillance Protocols and National Diagnostic protocols
  • Session 6: The wider industry connection - R&D implementation and the pathways to connect

Call for Abstracts

The organising committee is keen to receive submissions from across the spectrum of NPBDN and PSNAP members (industry, universities, research and development corporation, government and research institutions).

The call for abstracts is now open to all NPBDN and PSNAP members. The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words (not including title, authors or organisations), and submitted to by no later than 28 February 2023.

The abstract must address the theme “Implementation through connections”.

Presentation options
Members will have the opportunity to present either of the following options:

  • 15 min (10 min presentation and 5 min questions)
  • 4 min speed talk
  • 5 min Student talk
  • Poster session

Face to face presentations will be preferred however virtual speaking allocations will be considered.

Important Dates

Item Activtiy Expected completion
1 Abstracts due 28 February 2023
2 Registration open 1 March 2023
3 Guest speakers and abstracts presenters are notified 15 March 2023
4 Registration closes 31 March 2023
5 Confirmed participants informed/ final program ready 6 April 2023



  • Travel and one night accommodation will be provided for ADSW speakers and confirmed participants (NPBDN and PSNAP members only).
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Australian Government) staff are not eligible for these travel funds. DAFF staff are encouraged to submit an abstract and discuss with your managers.

For further information contact or


  • Spaces to attend ADSW 2023 are limited, registered participants will be confirmed by 6 April 2023.



Register your interest