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Citrus Field Triage Workshop

The Citrus Field Triage Workshop will be held 24-25 September 2019 in Mildura, Victoria. It is being held to build surveillance capacity and capability for the citrus industry and build ‘field triage’ skills.

Field triage is the ability to identify and collect appropriate samples from the field with the end goal of accurate identification or diagnosis of the target pest. Well-conducted triage supports both surveillance and diagnostics. It reduces the number and volume of samples sent to laboratories and improves the quality of samples submitted for identification, increasing the chance of an accurate diagnosis.

This workshop will focus on field identification of citrus diseases to build skills and expertise in field triage from citrus orchards. The workshop will also support national surveillance efforts by identifying improvements to training requirements for field triage.

The workshop objectives are to:

  • Build capacity and capability for field triage of citrus samples to improve sample collection
  • Gain skills in taking images of pests and diseases to support preliminary field diagnostics
  • Improve knowledge and skills in collecting samples for pests and diseases that are potentially exotic to Australia
  • Improve skills for recording surveillance data
  • Develop training packages and support material to improve collection of samples in the field.

Attendance was offered to PSNAP members through an expression of interest process in June 2019. The participating organisations have been encouraged to nominate experienced and junior staff to participate in the workshop so that knowledge can be built and shared to sustain PSNAP into the future.

Contact for further information.