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Photographic competition – 2023 Australian Entomological Society 54th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference

The 2023 Australian Entomological Society 54th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference is scheduled to be held 12 - 15 November 2023, at the UWA Albany Campus of the University of Western Australia in Albany.  As part of the conference, the Society is holding a photographic competition, aiming to encourage and recognise high standards of entomological photography. The entries will be displayed and judged at the Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference.

The competition is open to members of the Society who are not employed or contracted as professional photographers for fee or reward. Participants may enter three entries of an entomological theme, although photographs of related organisms (i.e., arachnids, myriapods) will be accepted.

Entries must be submitted before 12 October 2023.

Please visit the following link for more information on the competition and how to enter.