14 March, 2023
Enquiries about PSHB Workshop to be sent to workshop organiser on email: dominie.wright@dpird.wa.gov.au
Workshop facilitators
Dr Kylie Ireland
Kylie is research scientist in the DPIRD Plant Biosecurity Preparedness and Response Team and a subject matter expert on the PSHB response. With a PhD in plant biosecurity from Murdoch University, Kylie has worked on a diverse range of projects across Australia and around the world, including pest risk modelling, Myrtle rust ecology, plant pathology advisor in Laos, weed biocontrol and fungicide resistance extension. Kylie leads the editorial team of the APPS Newsletter and is a passionate advocate for improved knowledge flows at the science-policy-management nexus.
Melinda Moir
Melinda Moir is the supervisor of the DPIRD Diagnostic and Laboratory Services entomology section. She has managed the entomological laboratories aspect of the PSHB incident since the beginning of the incident in August 2021. This has included staffing, laboratories, processes, liaison with other labs (molecular, pathology, receivals) as well as the incident team, and reporting of all results.
Andras Szito
Andras (Andy) Szito is a long-standing DPIRD biosecurity entomologist with specialist skills in the taxonomy of Coleoptera. He has previously presented workshops on Khapra beetle and related Dermestids. Andy has been heavily involved in the Polyphagous Shothole borer incident in Western Australia and is relied upon for morphological identifications.
Dominie Wright
Dominie Wright is the supervisor of the DPIRD Diagnostic and Laboratory Services plant diagnostic section. Dominie specialises in mycology and bacteriology. Dominie has been involved in many incidences over the years at DPIRD, including the current PSHB incident. The Plant diagnostic section is responsible for the isolation and identification of fungi associated with PSHB beetle and hosts.
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