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Register for the CitrusWatch webinar – Friday 21 June, 11.00am-12.00pm AEST

The CitrusWatch program began in June 2021. As the program finishes its third year biosecurity professionals are invited to register to attend a webinar online to hear about how the program is tracking in the areas of exotic pest surveillance, engagement and preparedness.

  • Date: Friday, 21 June 2024
  • Time: 11.00am-12.00pm AEST

Speakers at the webinar include:

  • Rohan Burgess: Rohan is a Surveillance Manager at Plant Health Australia who is responsible for coordination of the CitrusWatch project and the delivery of Citrus Watch’s preparedness activities.
  • Ben Burchett: Ben is the CitrusWatch Surveillance & Engagement Officer for Northern Australia. Based in the NT government, Ben coordinates sticky trapping and targeted surveys across the Top End, and works to raise biosecurity awareness.
  • Jacqui Mitchell: Jacqui is the Urban Biosecurity Coordinator at Citrus Australia. She engages with urban communities near major Ports of Entry to raise biosecurity awareness and encourage monitoring pests diseases.

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