17 July, 2020
Funding is available to PSNAP members for Surveillance Residentials projects that show benefit to the PSNAP and national plant health surveillance.
Surveillance Residentials allow individuals working in plant health surveillance to spend time in another workplace or location, or by participating in relevant activities that improve the national capability to detect plant pests.
All applications that show benefit to plant health surveillance will be considered. Applicants should focus their project on building capability or capacity to detect a National Priority Plant Pest, a plant disease or pathogen on the Priority list of exotic environmental pests and diseases, a High Priority Pest of plant industries or an emerging plant pest. Surveillance Residential projects that contribute to the development, review or validation of a National Surveillance Protocol will be reviewed favourably.
Application are open now and close at midnight Sunday 13 September 2020.
Full details of funding requirements and applications are only available to PSNAP members. To access details, log into the Portal and go to ‘Events’ tab in the menu.
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