The Subcommittee on National Plant Health Surveillance (SNPHS) has endorsed three National Surveillance Protocols (NSPs) to support and enhance ongoing surveillance activities. A surveillance protocol is a technical reference guide for conducting surveillance on a specific plant pest or group of plant pests. It includes information on surveillance methodology, pest biology, taxonomy, identification and sample processing.
National surveillance protocols will be used for all national surveillance programs and their use is also encouraged for all other relevant surveillance activities conducted by governments and industry in Australia. A surveillance protocol is the first point of reference for developing surveillance plans.
View Reference Standards: Reference Standards for Development and Approval of National Surveillance Protocols for Plant Pests - Plant Surveillance Network
The first three NSPs that are endorsed in Australia are.
National Surveillance Protocol for Citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri) - Plant Surveillance Network
National Surveillance Protocol for Spongy and Nun Moth (Lymantria spp.) - Plant Surveillance Network
The endorsed NSPs can be found in “Resources” by searching for the National Surveillance Protocols (
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