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Tune into the CottonInfo Podcast on Lygus: Insights from the American experience

CottonInfo is the Australian cotton industry’s joint extension program that connects growers, consultants, and agronomists with the latest news, information, events, and research in the cotton sector.

The Crop to Top podcast features discussions with the program's regional extension officers, technical leads, researchers, and cotton growers.

In Season three, Episode 13, the podcast delves deeper into the high-priority pest, Lygus, which continues to pose challenges for cotton crops in the United States. The 41-minute episode includes an in-depth discussion with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) specialist Professor Peter Ellsworth from the University of Arizona. He provides an overview of lygus, its impact on American cotton growers, and strategies for management, along with recommendations on how Australia’s cotton industry can prepare.

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