Join the Emerging Viruses in Cucurbits Working Group (EVCWG) for the webinar/discussion “Watermelon Chlorotic Stunt Virus: What You Should Know” to learn about this virus, how it may impact cucurbit production in the United States, and more!
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Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV) was discovered in melon and watermelon in the southwestern United States in the fall of 2023. Although this is the first reported occurrence in cucurbit crops in the United States, ongoing research indicates that the virus may already be established and widely distributed in the Sonoran Desert production region. WmCSV is transmitted by the sweetpotato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), which also transmits several other emerging cucurbit viruses in the United States. WmCSV affects all major cultivated cucurbit crops and can cause a substantial reduction in yield.
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