News and events - Plant Surveillance Network

News and events


National surveillance partnership to protect Australia’s forests

A new Biosecurity Collaboration Agreement.

6 December, 2022

Citrus Watch Early Detector Trapping Guidelines

CITRUS WATCH program aims to ensure that the Australian citrus industry is better equipped to minimise the entry and spread of high priority pests, such as Asian citrus psyllid, African citrus psyllid and diseases such as huánglóngbìng. It works with biosecurity agencies, biosecurity programs in other industries, and research and…

2 December, 2022

Career Profile: Andie Wong Urban Biosecurity Coordinator – Citrus Australia

17 November, 2022

Pest record specification (v 1.0) and data vocabularies for plant health surveillance

21 October, 2022
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Plant Health Surveillance Data Protocols

Plant health surveillance data protocols describe the required fields and controlled vocabulary to produce a valid pest record for a pest or pest group using the Pest Record Specification (PRS). Data protocols are subordinate documents to the National Surveillance Protocols (NSP) where they exist for a pest or pest group…

21 October, 2022
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Online training supports good jobs in face of hitchhiker pests

New online training packages will support good jobs in agriculture by helping more people recognise exotic pests and diseases.

11 October, 2022

iMapPESTS: Sentinel Surveillance for Agriculture

iMapPESTS: Sentinel Surveillance for Agriculture is a research project aimed at boosting on-farm pest management through rapid and accurate monitoring and reporting of airborne pests and diseases that affect our crops.

4 October, 2022