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National Citrus Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy

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The National Citrus Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy (NCBSS) has been developed to provide a framework for national coordination and implementation of surveillance activities carried out by government and industry for exotic citrus pests and pests of market access concern.

The NCBSS outlines improved pre-border and border risk and pathway assessment to better understand and target surveillance efforts. For post-border surveillance, the NCBSS describes an enhanced partnership approach of industry, government and community in a national program. Surveillance systems will be supported by diagnostic tools and triage networks, and data collection and reporting methods to enable surveillance efforts to be captured, monitored and improved.
The strategy is comprised of four Goals and twelve Actions which will form the basis of an implementation plan. These Actions are interconnected, aiming to achieve an enhanced partnership approach and the strengthening of national surveillance efforts for early detection of exotic citrus pests and improved understanding of pest status to support market access requirements.

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Author(s): Plant Health Australia and Citrus Australia

Published: 30 November, 2018

Date added: 20 March, 2024