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National Grain Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy

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A National Grain Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy has been developed, recognising that the operating environment affecting early detection and market access surveillance in the grain industry today is different to that of the past and is unlikely to be the same in the future.

The strategy has been developed in conjunction with industry to ensure it is effective and robust, yet flexible enough to adapt to emerging technologies and industry structures outside that of government, and is underpinned by core biosecurity capacity. The strategy will guide the implementation of national leadership, management and coordination of surveillance activities for high priority grain pests and pests of market access concern for the grain industry.

Specific actions and tasks are listed that will improve pre-border and border pest risk and pathway assessment by better understanding pest risk profiles and pathways and targeting surveillance efforts. For post-border surveillance, it describes an enhanced partnership approach between Grain Producers Australia, Plant Health Australia, the Grains Research and Development CorporationGrain Growers Ltd, bulk handlers, traders and Australian governments through a national surveillance program. This program is supported by enhanced diagnostic networks, practical training and reporting services to enable surveillance efforts to be captured, monitored and improved.

The strategy is comprised of four goals and ten actions which will form the basis of an implementation plan. These actions are interconnected, with the overall delivery of the strategy aiming to create a world class, innovative, science-based surveillance system that maximises the early detection of exotic grain pests and improves our international competitiveness through freedom from their impacts.

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Published: 1 January, 2019

Date added: 13 May, 2024