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National Plant Biosecurity Surveillence Strategy

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The National Plant Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy (NPBSS) is a sub-strategy of the National Plant Biosecurity Strategy (NPBS) aiming to improve the management and coordination of plant pest surveillance activities in Australia. The development and implementation of this strategy is a significant step towards meeting the expectations of the plant pest surveillance aspects of the NPBS and overarching principles of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB).

The NPBSS considers the plant pest surveillance requirements for Australia’s biosecurity system as a whole, and covers all sectors and participants involved in plant biosecurity surveillance along the biosecurity continuum. The NPBS provides clear guidance to decision makers, policy creators and funding agencies as to the direction that must be taken to secure Australia’s plant biosecurity status.
The strategy outlines all existing national surveillance programs including the reasoning and significance behind surveillance activities in Australia. It also explains how it is aligned with other national strategies and standards, key concepts and the expected outcomes.
The strategy recognises that the key to achieving national surveillance outcomes is through maximising cooperation and engagement between Australian governments, industry and the community.
Five key concepts were identified as essential elements underlying the strategy:

  • Recognising work across the biosecurity continuum
  • Strengthening surveillance partnerships with stakeholders
  • Conducting risk and science based surveillance
  • Ensuring the system is well regulated
  • Having surveillance based on measurable performance indicators and economic principles.

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Author(s): Subcommittee on National Plant Health Surveillance and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

Published: 1 May, 2013

Date added: 20 March, 2025