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National Potato Industry Biosecurity Surveillance Strategy Implementation Plan

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The NPIBSS Implementation Plan 2020–25 details how the strategy will be implemented, including the importance of strong support from stakeholders, governance arrangements, and secure funding arrangements.

Implementation of the NPIBSS will improve engagement and communication, identify and reduce barriers to undertaking surveillance and reporting of new pests and promote national capture, sharing and consistency of surveillance data to improve efficiency in biosecurity management within and between industry and governments.

The long-term outcomes sought through this strategy are:

  • active support and participation of the potato industry in surveillance
  • skilled personnel who are available to support surveillance for key pest threats of the potato industry
  • improved decision making, support for crop health management and reduction in business risk.

Once implemented, this strategy will support these outcomes and facilitate the capture and collation of potato industry surveillance data nationally including regions, farms, urban and peri-urban areas.

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Published: 16 January, 2025

Date added: 13 May, 2025