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Operational imports analysis on compliance

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This report provides (i) a critical review of tools, and (ii) potential case study applications for identifying unexpected biosecurity risks.

The Biosecurity Surveillance and Analytics group of projects are an outcome of Priority 5 from the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper, which aims to improve Australia’s access to premium markets for international trade by improving biosecurity surveillance and analysis nationally. The projects seek to better understand the Department’s needs for information derived from surveillance, inspection and intelligence activities and related analytics; to evaluate current capability to meet these needs; and to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.

The Department is seeking advice on the data required to answer some key questions on managing compliance and biosecurity risks:

  • how can the Department differentiate between administrative noncompliance and material non-compliance?
  • how can the Department differentiate between the approaching biosecurity risk that is regularly managed as part of the normal biosecurity interventions and unexpected biosecurity risk?
  • how can the Department determine the value of data collected by industry as a result of functions they provide as part of Approved Arrangements?

The Department has done some work to improve its data capture for non-compliance in the Cargo Compliance Verification programme and is keen to apply this method to all inspections. However, there may be further improvement or refinement of this data as a result of the questions above. Development of this project will help ensure that the focus of further investment in data capture and curation is based upon the right data for the Department to best manage the non-compliance that matters most and unexpected biosecurity risks.

If you have any questions, please contact

Author(s): Martina Hoffmann and Andrew Robinson

Published: 20 September, 2024

Date added: 23 December, 2024