The first PSNAP webinar on National Forest Pest Surveillance was held 2 February 2023. With an array of excellent presenters and 83 attendees, this well received and informative webinar provided an overview of the National Forest Pest Surveillance Program, introduced the MyPestGuide® Reporter App and discussed the importance of expanding forest surveillance in Australia.
The webinar also explored several case studies of surveillance experiences in different states and territories, concluding with a Q and A forum.
Webinar highlights:
Rohan Burgess from Plant Health Australia spoke about the importance of urban surveillance as part of the National Forest Pest Surveillance Program and presented:
Laura Fagan from the WA Department of Primary Industry introduced the MyPestGuide® Reporter App and described forest pest surveillance activities in Western Australia. She presented:
Paco Tovar, Forest Biosecurity Manager of the Australian Forest Products Association, talked broadly about the research and engagement activities undertaken by the National Forest Pest Surveillance Program, including:
Janet McDonald, the Forest Health Surveillance Project Leader of the Horticulture and Forestry Science with the QLD government, described past and current responses on Forest surveillance experiences in QLD and covered:
Dr Angus Carnegie is the Senior Principal Research Scientist at NSW Department of Primary Industries. He presented an overview of Forest surveillance activities in NSW including:
Webinar Presentations (click on title to view)
Speakers | Organisation | Topic |
Rohan Burgess | Surveillance Coordinator - Plant Health Australia | |
Laura Fagan | Development Officer MyPestGuide® - WA DPIRD |
MyPestGuide® Reporter App and forest surveillance activities in Western Australia |
Paco Tovar | Forest Biosecurity Manager - Australian Forest Products Association | |
Dr Angus Carnegie
Senior Principal Research Scientist - NSW DPI |
Forest surveillance experiences in NSW
Janet McDonald
Forest Health Surveillance Project Leader -Queensland Government | |
Panel and Q&A
(All speakers) |
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